Fall 2019

From the Vice Chancellor

True partnership occurs when collaborators create new value together – sharing vision, expertise, and resources to accomplish mutual goals.

In this issue, you’ll find stories on just a few of the ways UNC Greensboro faculty, staff, and students are collaborating, both internally and externally, to create that value and a better world for us all.

You’ll learn about Guilford County’s and UNCG’s unique approach to battling the opioid epidemic. Lives are being saved by the translation of research into practice, with efforts informed by those in recovery, Guilford’s Emergency Medical Services and other local health care providers, and UNCG scholars and scholarship. (While social work students gain hands on experience with this state-of-the-art intervention, ensuring we have a next generation of professionals trained in evidence-based practice.)

On campus, faculty and students are partnering across disciplines, and bringing in the public, to re-envision the humanities. The aim is to improve student success, strengthen our workforce, and seek answers to the big, transformative questions that shape our lives and communities.

And about 30 miles north of campus, faculty, teachers, students, and their families are co-creating the Moss Street Partnership School. From conducting novel research on enhancing literacy to developing innovative ways to tailor existing research to the specific needs of their students, the MSPS team is committed to improving educational outcomes for elementary school students.

It’s the collaboration of law enforcement, community leaders, and scholars that successfully deters violence in communities across the state. It’s the partnership between a patient and physician that leads to better health outcomes. It’s the ties of friendship that join Grateful Dead fans across the world and across time.

At UNCG, we understand that we are truly better together.

Terri L. Shelton, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement

Learn more about the Office of Research and Engagement

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