Fall 2021

From the Vice Chancellor

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd and national conversations elevated by the Black Lives Matter movement, UNC Greensboro, like many other institutions, is examining how we can deepen our work to embed equity, diversity, and inclusion at all levels of the University. As a public research – and minority serving – institution, one of the ways we’re operationalizing these values is by focusing on access.

Our University’s commitment to accessible excellence has already placed us first in North Carolina for creating social mobility. You’ll find that dedication to access and excellence, which changes the life trajectories of our students, not only in our teaching but also woven throughout our research and scholarship.

In this issue of UNCG Research Magazine, you’ll read about how our scholars bring diverse voices together to collect actionable data that accurately reflects the needs of the people we serve.

You’ll see how we are developing and launching high-quality services to address gaps in health and educational outcomes.

And you’ll be introduced to members of the next generation of researchers, scholars, and artists, and learn about how we’re strengthening and diversifying our nation’s workforces – ensuring that our findings, rigorous methods, and values are carried forward.

Our researchers are addressing some of the most challenging issues facing our communities and nation. The COVID-19 pandemic has only amplified the visibility and impacts of the systemic inequalities we must dismantle.

The work is not easy, but at UNCG, our faculty, staff, and students know that the more – and the more diverse – hands and minds at work, the smarter, broader, and better the solutions.

Vice Chancellor Terri Shelton

Terri L. Shelton, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement

Learn more about the Office of Research and Engagement

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